Facts You Should Know About Your Skin

Attractive Lady admiring her healthy skin

Your skin is the largest organ in the body, but how much do you know about it? Are you aware of the role that it plays in your overall health? Do you know how to take care of your skin best? Find out everything you need to know right here.

Changes in your Skin Can Reveal Health Issues

Your skin has a big job to do. Every single inch of your skin consists of around 19 million skin cells. It also has over 650 sweat glands as well as 20 blood vessels. When you combine this with the fact that there are 1,000 nerve endings, you will soon see that your skin is a remarkable organ.

It is the biggest organ in the body. Your skin is the best defense against the environment, and if you want to ensure that you stay healthy, then you need to maintain this barrier. Your skin has specialized immune cells that live within the body and can recognize intruding organisms.

This sends an allergic response, where white blood cells are recruited from blood vessels to fight the potential allergen. 

To protect your skin, you must adopt good skincare habits. This will keep you physically healthy, and it can also help to smooth out any fine lines and wrinkles. A good skincare routine can also help if you struggle with skin discoloration. If you are sick of dealing with fine lines and wrinkles or feel your current skincare routine is not working, then dermal fillers remain one of the best options to explore.

Your Skin Could be Hiding a Dark Secret

If you are diligent about applying sunscreen, this is great, but that being said, if you have not been as careful in the past, the damage may have already been done. It won’t take long for such habits to catch up with you. You may not see it in the mirror, but UV photos can easily show any sun damage you may have experienced.

Sun damage is not usually visible to the naked eye, but you may start to see signs over time. Using a retinoid at night can help, especially if you also struggle with acne. Photodynamic therapy may also be helpful. This allows you to treat sun damage that you may not be able to see or feel yet.

Another exciting thing to know is that sun damage can be treated with dermal fillers. If you have sun-damaged skin, you may find that dermal fillers help smooth out your skin while ensuring that you get the youthful look you’re going for. Dermal fillers are also great if you have suffered from acne quite a lot. They stimulate the skin’s collagen production, eliminating any dents and dimples you may have.

Your Skin Renews Every 28 Days

The epidermis is the outer layer of your skin, which is very thin. This contains a lot of dead skin cells; therefore, it must shed every 28 days. Another way to look at this would be that your skin cells generate at the base of the epidermis.

It takes around a month for these new cells to reach the surface, during which the dead cells will be shed from your skin. In short, even when you are asleep, your body is taking good care of you to ensure that you always have that natural protective barrier. If you want to help yourself here, you must use a solid exfoliator.

This will help tighten your skin and protect it against the outside elements. If you feel your skin is just not tightening or feel as though, as time goes on, your skincare routine is not working as well as it once did, then one way for you to get around this would be for you to try and explore dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers are ideal if you want to tighten your skin instantly, and it is an excellent way to ensure that you always put your health and your skin first. Dermal fillers stimulate collagen production naturally, too, so this is another huge bonus you can be sure to take advantage of.

The Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Of course, dermal fillers are the solution to ensure that you get the best result out of your skincare routine or if you feel your skin is not looking as great as it once did. Dermal fillers are the best way to make your skin look far more youthful; on top of this, they have a very high success rate.

Even the deepest of wrinkles can benefit from fillers, not to mention that there is zero recovery time. You can resume your life as usual right after, so it’s straightforward to incorporate it as part of your routine.

Contact Us

If you have never tried dermal fillers before, then our team is here to help. Our team can advise you on the fillers that we have available, and we can also help you to understand the results you can expect to achieve. Our team is amicable and always happy to advise you on the process, so you can count on us to give you the best possible experience from start to finish. If you want to find out more, please call us at (613) 355-1455. We can then book you in for an appointment with our dedicated team. We can’t wait to hear from you and can take your call any time.

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